Code of ethics

The Code of Ethics of  EPSO-G group sets the same general guidelines of behaviour for all companies in the group for communication and cooperation with internal and external stakeholders: emploees, customers, contractors, business partners, shareholders, national and municipal authorities, society, etc.

The Code’s provisions are based not only on the employer’s duty, but also on the personal understanding of each employee that his/her proper behaviour improves business reputation and value of the company and the entire group and reduces probability of risk to reputation.

This Code also serves as a tool to explain concisely and comprehensibly the key provisions of the valid policies and procedures of the group EPSO-G and the business culture created by the organization.

The Code’s provisions are derived directly from the corporate values, leadership principles of the group EPSO-G and they supplement the associated performance policies.

Key provisions of the EPSO-G Code of Ethics:

  • Managers set an example. It means that each manager of the group’s company has to act in compliance with the leadership principles of EPSO-G.
  • We behave honestly and prudently. It means that we act in compliance with laws and other legal acts in our personal and professional activities. In case appropriate norms of behaviour are not set for certain situation by this Code or legal acts, we shall behave in compliance with the top standards of reliability, fairness and transparency applicable for society.
  • We communicate clearly and comprehensibly. It means that we apply principles of fairness, non-discrimination and equality for our communication. The provided information has to be correct, thorough and true to factual circumstances.
  • We show respect and act politely. It means that we endeavour at equal opportunities for work, career and qualification improvement despite of ethnical origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital or social status, fatherhood or motherhood, religion, political beliefs, citizenship, disability, age, membership in unions or other grounds. We respect private life of others, their standpoints, beliefs, psychological safety and physical immunity. We understand that verbally or physically expressed disrespect, statements or actions of familiar character may embarrass colleagues in work environment. Therefore, our conduct at work contributes to creation of friendly work environment that respects human dignity and guarantees equal opportunities.
  • We control interests and avoid conflicts of interests. It means that our actions and decisions are based on the principle of loyalty to the company and the group. We avoid conflict of interests that may affect impartial decision or work. We do not tolerate any close personal or friendly relations in the relations of direct subordinance and control, their protection with regard to employment, any patronage in the company or the group.
  • We respect personal data and protect confidential information. It means that we carry out constructive dialogues with interest holders and provide regular reports on financial and non-financial activities in order for them to assess the performance and perspective of the group of companies to make certain decisions. We are disclosing information that we have to disclose according to the legal acts, requirements of the securities exchange, policies valid in the group and good practice. We also secure proper protection of the information that is confidential or that is regarded as a secret of organization, including the entrusted personal data.
  • Prevention of corruption, gifts and hospitality. It means that we do not offer, give or allow giving bribes neither directly nor indirectly. We do not ask for them and do not accept them. We understand corruption as an offer or acceptance of inappropriate privileges, trade in impact, inappropriate influence to patronize relatives, spouses or friends, because we want our decisions to be free of influence of personal relations or pursuit of personal benefit. Upon receipt of the request to give or accept a bribe, we always notify our direct supervisor and prevention officers, as well as appropriate law enforcement authorities.
  • We report improper behaviour. It means that we encourage the employees and other interest holders to report directly or anonymously possible violations, unethical or unfair behaviour to direct supervisor or persons responsible for supervision of compliance with this Code, by trust line or e-mail, without being afraid of any negative consequences. The company undertakes all the measures to protect the person, who has reported violations or improper behaviour in the company or in the group, from negative consequences.
  • Improper behaviour may have consequences. It means that we know and understand that behaviour causing damage to business reputation of the group or the company may lead to consequences. Therefore, we always act according to the reasonability principle: we make sure that our decision or actions are lawful and in compliance with the Code’s requirements. We give enough time for complex decisions. Incorrect decisions are often made without having considered properly the circumstances and possible consequences. In case of any doubt we consult the colleagues and/or direct supervisor.

You are welcome to report violations of the Code of Ethics using the trust line of EPSO-G: [email protected]

Last updated: 01-04-2021