EPSO-G, the parent company of the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid, has nominated the members of the Board, which will be elected at the shareholders' meeting. In the newly formed board three members from the previous board and two new independent members from the management teams of electricity transmission system operators in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium are proposed.
The new Litgrid Board will be elected for a four-year term at the general meeting of shareholders on Tuesday, April 30th.
Three members proposed to continue their work from previous term are Mindaugas Keizeris, Head of EPSO-G, a state-owned group of energy transmission and exchange companies, Tomas Varneckas, Head of Infrastructure and Projects at EPSO-G Group, and Gediminas Karalius, advisor to the Energy Security Group of the Ministry of Energy.
Tim Meyerjürgens, Chief Operating Officer of electricity transmission system operator (TSO) TenneT in the Netherlands and Germany, and Pierre-Henri D'haene, Head of Strategy Implementation, Transformation, and Sustainability at Belgian electricity transmission system operator Elia, have been nominated as independent members of the Board.
“Transmission grids are the backbone of the energy transition. The fast and efficient expansion of the infrastructure is crucial for the transformation of the European economy, and we need good cooperation and collaboration across Europe so that we can tackle the challenges together. Litgrid is at the center of this transformation. With the complete restructuring of the energy system towards renewable energies and the imminent synchronization with continental Europe, major tasks lie ahead, and I am pleased to be able to contribute with my experience from the transmission grids in Germany and the Netherlands,” says Tim Meyerjürgens.
“I look forward to joining the Litgrid Board as Europe accelerates its transition to electrification to meet climate goals while supporting industrial growth. My cross-cultural experience in the United States and Europe, along with my roles as a Digital Officer in the energy sector and Head of Strategy Implementation & Transformation at Elia Transmission Belgium, has prepared me to make meaningful contributions to Litgrid. I am eager to help strengthen infrastructure delivery, enhance system resilience, and drive digitalization. I am excited to collaborate with the exceptional Litgrid board members as we work together to shape Lithuania's electric future with all Litgrid employees,” says Pierre-Henri D'haene.
TenneT operates an electricity transmission network in the Netherlands, and the company is also one of the four electricity transmission system operators in Germany.
Elia Group acts as a holding company that owns Elia Transmission Belgium (the Belgian TSO), Eurogrid International (comprising the activities of 50Hertz, one of four electricity transmission system operators in Germany) and Elia Grid International (the Group’s international consultancy branch).
Independent board members of the newly formed Litgrid Board will be responsible for technology and digitalization solutions and business development management. EPSO-G representatives will be responsible for strategic and financial management and infrastructure development. A representative of the Ministry of Energy will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the National Energy Independence Strategy and national security interests.