Financial and non financial reports

Compliance to transparency guideliness

Transparency is one of deliberate EPSO-G priority areas based on the group’s Transparency and Communication Policy which reflects and is fully compliant to requirements set in 14 July 2010 Government Resolution No. 1052 ‘On the Approval of the Description of the Guidelines for Ensuring the Transparency of State-Owned Enterprises’.

The Transparency Guidelines are mandatory to all  companies of EPSO-G group.

The implementation of the Transparency Guidelines is ensured through disclosure of  financial and non-financial information in the annual and interim reports, on websites, social media with an aim to provide information to the stakeholders in a comprehensible manner and accessible format so they were provided  a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the company’s position and prospects. 

Please find the EPSO-G compliance to Trasparency guidelines 2020 report

Please find the EPSO-G compliane to Transparency guidelines 2019 report

Please find the EPSO-G compliance to Transparency guidelines 2018 report

Information on status of compliance to the Transparency Guideliness is integral part of EPSO-G annual report.

Last updated: 12-05-2022