About us



Internal audit

In order to ensure transparency and efficiency of operations, a centralized Internal Audit Unit operates in the group of companies EPSO-G. The unit carries out on the group scale the functions assigned and is directly accountable to the Board of EPSO-G the majority of whom are the independent members.

The auditors of EPSO-G are not subordinate to the administration of the company audited. This creates better preconditions for identifying possible deficiencies in order to eliminate them and to highlight the areas for increasing efficiency.

The internal audit mission of EPSO-G is to create added value for all the companies of the Group and to contribute to the achievement of their operational objectives, by systematically and comprehensively assessing and helping to improve the effectiveness of management, risk management and control processes. These functions are implemented through an independent and objective assurance and advisory activity.

The staff members of the unit carry out internal audits and monitor on a regular basis how the recommendations are implemented, as well how the other deficiencies related to the internal control, which have been identified by the external auditors, regulatory authority and the public control institutions, are corrected.

External audit:

Last updated: 29-10-2024